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2200, 255 5 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3G6
(403) 261-2950
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Harvard Resources is the second largest working interest owner (approximately 14%) in the Weyburn Unit behind the operator, Whitecap Resources. The Weyburn Unit is located south of the town of Weyburn, Saskatchewan, and is the largest Carbon Capture & Utilization Storage (CCUS) project in the world. Production from the Weyburn Unit is 3,000 barrels of oil per day net to HRI.
The Weyburn Unit was discovered in the 1950s. Waterflood operations commenced in the 1960s, and in 2000, CO2 further enhanced oil recovery development. CO2 is purchased from the Boundary Dam Power Station in Estevan, Saskatchewan, and the Great Plains Synfuels plant in North Dakota.
Harvard Resources’ Tatagwa property is located just west of the Weyburn Unit in Southeast Saskatchewan. HRI operates five oil facilities and produces 3,100 barrels of oil per day.